Monday, July 28, 2008

Chris Makres Pictures at the Golf Outing

Friday, July 25, 2008

Ann Wold's Pictures on the River Walk

Charlie Hoag's Tour Group

Tim Moe's Pictures at the Dinner

Tim Moe's Picture on the River Walk

Phil Aved's Pictures at the Dinner

Karen Rouse's Pictures at the Dinner

Karen Rouse's Pictures on the River Walk

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The River Walk Event--A Short Video

One of highlights of the memorable reunion weekend was the The Downtown River Walk Tour. I took a little video as we walked around. Just something to remember.

Washburn Reunion River Walk Event from Gary Lindgren on Vimeo

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lynda Hamlin Murray's Photos at the Dinner

Sandy Jorgenson, Bob Iverson (Carole Johnsen's husband), Lynda Hamlin, and Joyce Huston

Joyce Huston, Janet Hoppenstedt, and Sandy Jorgenson

Lynda Hamlin, Sandy Jorgenson, Pat Paleen, Joan Freeberg, Joyce Huston, and Sandy Johnson

Lynda Hamlin & Sandy Johnson

Jeanne Anderson & Marion Peterson

Sandy Peterson & her husband Herb Knutsen

Linda Carlson & her husband John

Lynda Hamlin Murray's Photos at the Picnic

Lynda Hamlin, Sandy Johnson. and Diane Salisbury

Sandy Johnson with Bob Nelson's Collection

More Bob Nelson's Collection

Steve Tanner and Judy Mannerberg Tanner

Barbara Wilhelm Godin and Husband

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tom Gruber's Photos at the Picnic

Tom Gruber and Tim Moe

Bob Bjorkland, Rick Adams, and Tom Gruber

(seated) Bob Nelson, Steve Johnston, and Tom Gruber
(standing) Norm Anderson and ? tell me

Ricky Larson, Tom Gruber, Grace Sjostrom, and Pat Isensee

Ricky Larsen, ?, Grace Sjostrom, and Pat Isensee

Tom Gruber, ?, Grace Sjostrom, Ricky Larsen, and Stan Carlson

Tom Gruber's Photos at the Dinner

Bill Nicklow and Karin Larson

Tom Moe, Stan Carlson, and Tom Gruber

Karen Rouse and Mimi Molander

Joan Eckberg, Polly Gruber, and Paul Johnson

Joan Eckberg and Paul Johnson

Judy Anderson and Grace Sjostrom

Polly Gruber and Dianne Stitz

Ruth Solheim, Dave Jackson, and Tom Gruber

Ruth Solheim, Dave Jackson, and Tom Gruber

Don Casey

Norm Anderson and Gary Stitz